What is Hunters Academy?
Hunters Academy offers online courses and certifications for SOC Analysts to enhance their Security Operations skills using the Hunters SOC Platform.
- Earn credits (CPE or CEU)
- Experience modern learning: Hands-On Practice, Modular, To-the-Point
- Celebrate your knowledge with Digital Badges to share on LinkedIn
- Access certifications and courses in beta
Topics include: Onboarding data sources, Best practices for managing the SOC Queue, Detector Tuning, Creating Dashboards, Custom Analytics, and more.
Sign-up for Our Current Certifications:
- Hunters Certification: Technical Foundations
- Hunters Certification: Practitioner (beta)
- SOC Queue Main Capabilities (course)
*Please note, this certification is for current Hunters customers only.
Let's get started
This Certification is for current Hunters Customers